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Effective ICT integration in education requires more than just a one-time workshop—it demands ongoing professional learning that is both structured and practical. The ICT in Education Teacher Academy Membership offers CPD courses for teachers that go beyond passive training, providing a continuous learning experience with on-demand workshops, classroom-ready resources, and a structured workbook to track progress. Whether you're an early childhood or primary educator, the membership ensures that professional development is applied directly in your teaching, making ICT integration seamless and effective."
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Integrating technology in early childhood education can be challenging, but the ICT in Education Teacher Academy makes it easier. With instant access to online workshops for ECE, guided workbook activities, and expert insights, educators can build confidence and transform their teaching practices. Discover how this membership supports your professional growth.
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Integrating technology into the classroom doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The ICT in Education Teacher Academy provides technology professional development for teachers, offering practical resources, expert-led workshops, and a supportive community. Designed for educators at all levels, this membership empowers you to overcome challenges, build confidence, and transform your teaching practices with ease. Discover how to make technology integration work for you and your students.
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How to teach concepts to preschoolers
While some of the early learning concepts are the main subjects taught in a preschool curriculum, in a digital society many ICT concepts can be learned alongside them in a meaningful context. Learn how to teach concepts to preschoolers with ease when integrating digital technology in early childhood education and help them to build a conceptual understanding of their technological environment today.
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CPD for early years teachers
CPD budgets for teachers are also now feeling the squeeze despite this being nothing new. However, the cost of living crisis that we are all experiencing has put them into some really difficult challenges as they too struggle to pay energy bills along with a shortage of teachers and the demand for pay rises. So how can school leaders stretch their already overworked budgets?
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ICT literacy
Beck Keough is an experienced educator who is passionate about technology integration in the classroom. I was fortunate enough to speak with her about the strategies that she uses and the impact that they have on student learning. Read the transcript and learn how you can successfully integrate technology across the curriculum now.
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How to integrate ICT in the classroom?
As technology continues to evolve, it is essential for teachers to develop ICT skills in order to stay relevant in the classroom. Discover what ICT skills do teachers need now.
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Professional Development for Preschool teachers
The importance of continual professional development for early childhood teachers in the areas of ICT competencies is publicly acknowledged and supported in most countries. The successful integration of ICT into play-based learning in early childhood education will depend on the ability of ECE teachers to structure the learning environment in non-traditional ways, merge new technology with new pedagogy, develop socially active early childhood learning environments, and encourage cooperative interaction, collaborative learning, and group work. ICT professional development is a continuous lifelong process. It is complex and therefore, a key requirement of the productive integration of ICT into play-based learning is to join CPDs such as these today.
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The role that technology integration in early childhood education has in preparing young children for further education is very important in a digitally-dominated society. There are capabilities that they are expected to have learned prior to entering primary school. How you support digital play-based learning is vital to ensuring that the learning experiences foster a readiness to connect to further ICT capabilities. Learn what capabilities are required by the end of young children's four years of learning.
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Strategies for teaching math
Math is an essential life skills. The integration of technology in maths offers support for teaching numeracy and mathematical concepts. The ICT teaching strategies for teaching math is needed so that you will engage and motivate students to learn these life skills. This article will provide you with 4 top ICT teaching strategies for teaching math in the elementary classroom that will ensure that will boost your students' learning today.
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Strategies for integrating technology in the classroom
Throughout my studies on research about successful strategies for integrating technology in the classroom, I learned a lot of things every teacher needs to become aware of. Yet there is one thing that stands out the most. That there is a difference between using technology in the classroom and integrating technology in the classroom. Learn the top strategy that must be embedded in your teaching and learning today.
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How to integrate ICT in the classroom?
Many student teachers and in-service teachers ask me how to integrate ICT in the classroom. There are three steps that I normally tell them that will help them successfully achieve this. Learn how we can help you with technology integration in the classroom today.
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Technology in the mathematics classroom
The other day, I had the pleasure of interviewing Andrew Brodie who is in charge of partnerships from the EdTech Group in Australia, They operate award-winning businesses such as Junior Engineers and Codeflix - two great ways for children to learn how to be creative with code. Watch this video or read the interview transcript to learn how to teach coding in the classroom now.
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ICT Teaching Strategies
Group work is an essential part of any student-centred classroom. In the 21st century classroom that is expected to house various types of technology in the classroom, collaboration and cooperation amongst students can be facilitated through good technology teaching strategies.  We can help you learn how to group students in the classroom in a technology-rich learning environment now.
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Teaching Strategies
What should teachers know about literacy-technology integration? How can you know when you are using technology in meaningful ways and toward suitable purposes? The answer lies in understanding and setting classroom goals for effective literacy-technology integration. In this article, I highlight instructional strategies for literacy that is meaningful and purpose-driven – driven by students’ instructional needs and meaningful as in likely to address those instructional needs.
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Teaching Strategies
How to teach literacy in primary schools with ICT successfully is a key question that has emerged since the world of communication, literacy, and education has changed. Today, ICTs such as word processors, email, digital video and the Internet have resulted in another profound way in which we learn, work, and play. The central question that arises from this is ‘how might we conceptualise the role of ICT within current understandings of literacy and literacy instruction?’ We can help you with the best strategies for teaching literacy today.
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The most effective way to integrate technology into lessons and develop ICT capability is to provide them with meaningful subject-related activities. It is not just exposing them to technology and mediocre lessons that will do little more than just learn a few ICT skills. So how do you integrate technology into your lessons? As a teacher, you need to remember that it is not the technology that makes the impact on student learning but your choice of strategies for integrating technology in the classroom.
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Strategies for integrating technology in the classroom
Integrating technology in the classroom is an instructional choice that includes collaboration and deliberate planning. It is through thoughtful planning that you will learn how to employ the best strategies for integrating technology in the classroom. Here is a list that you might want to employ in your planning decisions next time you want to develop 21st century capabilities across the curriculum.
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ICT Teaching Strategies
To understand how to integrate technology in the classroom, a teacher needs ICT concepts and their relation to other areas of the curriculum. We help you plan a symbiotic relationship between ICT and subject learning objectives along with providing valuable tips as to how you successfully share your technology integration experiences at your school today.
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One of the most common forms of early childhood pedagogy is learning through play. Understanding what is play based learning in early childhood education is, therefore, not only important if you intend to be responsive in your practice, but also if you want to ensure that young children are socially and culturally ready in their lives. We take a look at this through a digital context and provide clear ways for you to overcome the challenges that may prevent you from enabling children to become inclusive in a digital society today.
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Intentional teaching practices
Deborah Rosenfeld and Ashely Lewis-Presser are education researchers at the Education Development Center in the United States. Both have done extensive research into technology use in early childhood education and in this webinar replay, you will learn about one very effective ICT tool that you can apply today. The Preschool Data toolbox is something that will engage and motivate young children in your early childhood learning environment.
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Brian Puerling is an early childhood specialist for the Chicago Public Schools and author of books "Teaching in the Digital Age - for Preschool and Kindergarten", "Teaching in the Digital Age - Smart Tools for Age 3 to Grade 3" and "Children in the Digital Age - A Guide for Families". Learn today how you can reap the benefits of technology use in early childhood education now.
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Augmented reality in early childhood education
There are benefits of using technology in preschool for play-based learning. Augmented reality in early childhood education adds another level of motivation and engagement in early childhood learning experiences. If you are stuck on the 'why' then read through these benefits so that you will understand that it is not there to replace physical activity but build on it and to make learning fun. Let us help you engage young children's learning now.
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The play-framework as a model for early childhood teachers to balance open-ended play-based learning with intentional play based learning is the ideal strategy for you to apply for any play context including digital play in the early years. Through using these multiple learning experiences the children in your care can build upon their capabilities in ICT as a result of effective development of digital literacy in early childhood education. You can learn about teaching strategies Early Childhood Australia from this website.
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Introducing our new early childhood education book for preschool, kindergarten and early primary teachers. Based on our online pd for early childhood teachers, delivers practical and immediately actionable advice on strategies to support digital play-based learning in early childhood education. Buy online now!
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As early childhood educators, an integrated curriculum is something that you are familiar with. So when it comes to integrating technology in early childhood education, it is important that you have an understanding of the ICT concepts and how it relates to other subjects. Doing this will ensure that you will be able to embed authentic technology STEM activities for preschoolers today. Learn how we can help you achieve your teaching and learning goals now.
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How to teach concepts to preschoolers
Problem-solving is a fundamental skill in early childhood and primary education, and technology plays a vital role in enhancing children's ability to think critically, explore solutions, and develop resilience. But how can educators effectively integrate problem-solving activities for preschoolers and primary students using ICT? In this article, we explore: 🔹 The best problem-solving activities that engage young learners in hands-on digital experiences. 🔹 How technology fosters inquiry-based learning and supports cognitive development. 🔹 Why professional development is essential for educators to confidently integrate ICT into problem-solving activities. Inside the ICT in Education Teacher Academy, educators gain access to structured lesson plans, interactive workshops, and a supportive learning community—all designed to help you successfully embed problem-solving with ICT. 💡 Want to discover how technology can transform problem-solving in your classroom? Read the full article now!
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Understanding what the benefits are and the key features of a good educational digital game in early childhood education is important as it will ensure that all children in your early childhood learning environment will find the game appealing no matter what type they are. In this article, you will learn what they are so that the children in your care today will be able to reap the benefits of digital technology in learning activities now.
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Here are just some of the ways assistive technology in early childhood education can be used to support the learning needs of all young children. ICT equals empowerment to many children as it allows them to make choices and to interact with the world around them. It links them to real-life situations in their learning and makes it meaningful and relevant allowing them to take part in digital play too.
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How is technology used in early childhood education
How is technology used in early childhood education? Young children enter preschool with different levels of capabilities in ICT through their digital play in their home environments. This is a time of exploration, creativity, and learning. Digital play in early childhood learning environments provides more outlets for them to demonstrate their creativity and learning. Here are 13 ways to incorporate digital technology in preschool activities today.
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Early childhood teachers can make a crucial contribution to digital play-based learning in early childhood education by ensuring that young children can develop confidence and an understanding of the fundamentals of control technology such as programmable toys, in order that they develop into ICT capable and digitally literate individuals. Use these examples today to help start a child’s digital learning journey now.
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Intentional teaching practices
There is no doubt that intentional teaching practices can be implemented when initiating projects like slowmation that engages and motives young children. It also supports conceptual understanding through the combination of everyday concepts and scientific concepts and promotes the development of higher order thinking skills – two key components in a young child’s ICT capability. Use these case study examples to help guide your own practices today.
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Digital technology in early childhood education
Young children enjoy projects that involve digital technology in early childhood education. A great example of this is the use of slowmation as it is not called and in this article, we will help you understand the benefits of using digital media like this by providing an idea as to the level of capability children can achieve and by authentic examples from your peers.
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Independence can be developed with the aid of digital technology so setting up your early childhood learning environment has many implications in ensuring this occurs. Planning the learning environment in an effective way will also help develop digital literacy in early childhood education. Here is some advice that we found to get you started today.
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Preschool learning
Back in 2010, UNESCO outlined a number of strategies that can be employed in order to promote digital play based learning in early childhood education. I examine 3 of them to help you establish a foundation for your ECE centre. Consider them today to support digital play now.
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The world is getting more digital in everything that it does. The pandemic has increased people’s awareness of the need for technology. What are the factors influencing digital technology use in early childhood education today and learn how we can help you jump these barriers to become a leader in technology integration in your early childhood learning environment now.
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The global pandemic has today refocused our attention on the importance of technology in early childhood education as we continue to see digital classrooms and online forums being used. It has meant that we can no longer afford to ignore its use and that young children need our support as educators to prepare them for an even more digital future than before. We can help you through this article begin to understand its significance today.
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Effective digital technology use in early childhood education includes examples such as integrating digital audio and video recording devices. In this article, I highlight a number of case studies where early childhood practitioners have successfully used them in the curriculum. You will learn how you can be responsive to children's technological expertise by valuing and building on their capabilities. Learn by example here.
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With these digital literacy activities for preschoolers, you can create purposeful and meaningful learning for young children in both literacy and numeracy development. Adapt them to suit your needs and to make an impact on learning while equipping children with the skills that they need to become creators of digital content today.
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Despite the copious amounts of resources that might exist there are key themes and principles that help you select ICT in early childhood education. Principles such as DATEC and the underpinning themes provided by Rachel Ager will guide you to make the right choices. Read through them today so that you can audit your resources to ensure that all children are included in the curriculum now.
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Co-playing with young children when using digital technologies is fundamental to their learning and development. Through taking part in the digital play you as the educator can plan to build on a child’s creativity, curiosity and criticality. Thus, displaying the attributes and qualities of a responsive educator today. Employ these strategies today.
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Robotics in Early Childhood Education
By applying these STEM learning opportunities for preschoolers, you will be able to successfully integrate digital technology in early childhood education whilst achieving STEM goals and concepts. Develop intellectual goals such as reasoning, predicting and analysing in your early childhood learning environment today.
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By employing these strategies, you will be more prepared to plan for further learning opportunities for preschoolers when integrating digital technology in early childhood education. You will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of these digital experiences offered and reflect on your digital pedagogy to ensure that every learning experience offered suits the individual needs of the children in your care and extends their knowledge, skills and expertise in technology in a manner that will make you to be responsive educator today.
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Observation in early childhood education
When undertaken in a sensitive and responsive way, observation in early childhood education of young children’s digital play can be an important process for early childhood educators as it allows them to plan appropriately for individual learning through a designed curriculum that provides ways to describe a young child’s digital skills and capabilities. Let us help you map out your child's learning journey with digital technology today.
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It is important when integrating ICT across the Early Years Learning Framework curriculum that you start with a simple ICT tool and involve all the staff in thinking of creative activities for its use across the whole curriculum. Encourage children to collaborate together in learning situations involving ICT and take one step at a time without worrying about the skills involved. Creative development in early childhood education can be fostered by supporting digital play in the early childhood learning environment and with these ideas you can begin the process today.
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Today, the literature and research relating to the use of ICT in early childhood education is filled with case studies that clearly show how effective the use of ICT in preschool and kindergarten can be. The process of integrating digital play based learning in preschool can start with just one device such as a computer software and learning how to maximise its full potential for learning. Like LEGO WeDo, there are many other examples out and I will continue to bring them your way so that you can be inspired by them to try it yourself.
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Digital play is a chance for you as the early childhood teacher to develop digital literacy in early childhood education. It can be integrated successfully across the curriculum and in all key learning areas. As a result, learning progression in 21st-century skills can be achieved. In this article, you will learn how to identify progression in children's capabilities through examples of common software that you can implement today.
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These early childhood pedagogies are not my own but are derived from studies on digital play in early childhood education. Such examples form the basis for our work in delivering evidence based teaching strategies that enable you to achieve your goals of successfully integrating digital technology today.
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As young children continue to be exposed to digital technologies, early childhood practitioners need guidance on how to integrate them into their play based pedagogies as digital play continues to be a part of children’s lives. Here is a list of strategies to help get you started today.
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Promoting critical thinking in early childhood education helps to ensure that young children become critical consumers of both digital technology and information. In a digital age where information is more accessible than ever, this is crucial if they are to become the future workforce. Learn how digital technology can facilitate critical thinking skills today.
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Understanding what is creative play in early childhood education in the digital age is best learned through examples that you can apply today. In this article, 4 examples demonstrate how you can successfully integrate digital technology in preschool creative activities now.
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Throughout our online pd for early childhood teachers, there are many case studies in the best practices and trends in integrating ICT in early childhood education. Simply too many to list! However, here are two examples that you can learn from today and apply similarly in your early childhood learning environment now.
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Communication and language are one of the prime areas of learning for learning and development in curriculums such as the EYLF and EYFS. Digital play in the early years learning environment can play a big role in promoting communication and language development in preschoolers. Read these 9 strategies for language development in early childhood education.
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The benefits of technology in education become clear as the use of ICT in early childhood education promotes language development. There is an extensive list of benefits that is by no means exhaustive as new ICT emerges and is developed allowing children to gain from their capabilities. Read the list today to further gain an understanding on the benefits of technology in education now.
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Language development is a key part of both the EYLF and the EYFS curriculums. There are many opportunities for you as an educator to help young children. Technology and language development in early childhood education is a marriage that works well because the world of young children is forever being digitalised and communication is also be transmitted through the use of digital technology more frequently. As an educator, it is your role to plan for the effective integration and instruction of technology so that children benefit now.
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As part of our free webinars for early childhood educators, I had the pleasure and privilege to co-host with Karen Nemeth who has researched and written extensively on integrating digital technology in early childhood education in relation to enabling dual language learners the ability to learn within the early learning environment. This webinar went for more than an hour and you can watch the replay here.
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Intentional teaching early childhood
Technological pedagogical approaches in early childhood education are about having an understanding of how play-based learning changes when particular digital technologies are used. It is significant that you know the pedagogical affordances – the opportunities presented to the children by the technology – and constraints of a range of preschool technology as they relate to disciplinary and developmentally appropriate pedagogical designs and strategies. Develop your digital pedagogy with these skills today.
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As you teach digital literacy skills in early childhood education, it is important to pause and reflect on what it actually means to be digitally literate or digital fluent in the early childhood learning environment. While we might not associate ‘digital fluency’ with early childhood education, it is important that we view young children’s learning outcomes in digital technologies in this way. In this section, I will show you the skills and experiences can learn while you are integrating digital technology in early childhood education.
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Creative play in preschool can be achieved through effective planning and by encouraging digital play in the early years learning environment. This article will provide you with advice on what you can do today as a practitioner to promote creativity in early childhood education with the help of integrating digital technology.
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This article will show you how you can use digital technology to provide children opportunities to promote their emergent literacy and numeracy skills in early childhood education. Through digital play, technology can afford young children the opportunity to not only gain knowledge and practice skills but also engage with concepts in a way that promotes confidence and motivation for learning.
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When digital technology/ICT is integrated and planned into other activities in a productive way it presents new opportunities for social and emotional development in early childhood education. Today, there are more claims for supporting the use of digital technology to assist in the development of emotional development than there are against it. We can show you how to use simple tech to achieve this today.
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Digital technology has changed how and what we learn. It is more than a tool in the classroom and has shifted the focus towards more independent child-led inquiry modes of learning. Just exposing young children to digital technology will not develop their digital literacy nor does it make the learning effective. It is important for you to understand how you can boost your digital pedagogy in early childhood education now.
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tech activities outdoor for kids
Digital play in the early years is just as important as play without digital technology today. There are many types and this in article you will learn from these excerpts of our play based learning professional development key early childhood pedagogies that you can apply now.
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Developing a child's technological capabilities is an important part of digital play in the early years. As part of our online training for early childhood educators, we have included key pedagogy in early childhood education so that you can understand and support learning and development. Use these easy steps now and enhance digital play based learning.
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ICT tools in early childhood education
Digital play in the early years plays a special role in enhancing learning in the early childhood learning environment. In this article, I will show you how to select the best and most suited ICT tools in early childhood education. These will ensure that young children will enjoy their learning experience with digital technology.
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When you decide as the adult or educator to integrate digital technology into the inquiry based learning approach that you are implementing, there are specific early childhood pedagogies that you can apply. It is not about restricting access, but giving young children the skill set that they need to get around this so that they use digital technology as a tool for inquiry based learning today in the most effective way.
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Linking digital play to EYLF outcome 5 activities is an important part of your capacity as an educator to ensure that all children learn and develop appropriately. In this article, you will learn the connections between the EYLF, play-based learning and with over 20 ideas to get you started, ensure that digital play is threaded imaginatively throughout the curriculum today. Use these as your early childhood educator goals now.
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As preschools move forward in the 21st century, what was once the focus on ICT in early childhood education has now changed to distinguishing between digital technology in early childhood education and non-digital resources. Despite this, you will learn in this article how ICT supports children's learning as ICT is a form of digital technology. It is the basis for our new online pd for early childhood teachers.
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Media literacy education
As part of my NEW online pd for early childhood teachers about how ICT supports children's learning, I have discussed early childhood pedagogies in relation to media literacy education. This research comes from Dr Faith Rogow who I had the pleasure of co-hosting a webinar (you can the replay in the Academy).
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Professor Michael Dezuanni from QUT is the Associate Director of the Digital Media Research Centre. He has researched in early childhood learning environments how the use of the iPad can be used creatively and for the development of literacy purposes. In this transcript from one of our free webinar for teachers, you will learn early childhood pedagogies that can be applied today.
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Here is a list of a number of ICT tools for teachers in early childhood and primary education. They may be basis but if you want to start somewhere it is best to choose something that you are familiar with and then master it. After you have done this to ALL available ICT tools then you can move onto more sophisticated ones.
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At a first glance, digital technology and the outdoors do not appear to go well together. However, the outdoor is where some children learn best and can offer motivating, captivating and new ways to that learning. The examples of outdoor play in early childhood education that you will learn will show you that digital technology enhances and adds to children's traditional forms of learning outdoors.
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Early Childhood Pedagogies
In this extract from my online pd for early childhood teachers about digital play based learning, you will learn about how to implement early childhood pedagogies that will make an impact and support children's learning when using iPads in the preschool classroom. These are research-based strategies derived from past studies so check them out today.
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Strategies for teaching math
In this video transcript from our latest expert on integrating ICT in education, adjunct associate professor Rosemary Callingham presents a discussion on the best way to learn how to integrate ICT in teaching maths in the primary classroom. This is part of our ICT in Education Teacher Academy.
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Digital storytelling in early childhood education is a great way to engage and immerse young children into literacy development. Through images, animation and sound, just as an example, those without a voice can begin to progress in their learning needs. This article highlights the benefits as well as the start as to what you can do when integrating digital play in the early years.
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In a digitally-dominated society, digital technology is having a profound effect on all aspects of children’s lives. Many of us, including young children, do take technology for granted. Learning how to teach digital literacy in early childhood education is, therefore, significant if the digital divide is to close and the workforce of the future is prepared for an ever-increasing digital-dominated workplace.
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Viewing, Listening and Engaging - Being a responsive early childhood educator when it comes to digital play in early years education setting is important. In this article, we look at how you can begin to use digital technology in early childhood education settings in a way that will respond to young children's learning needs in the 21st century.
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Digital play is the best form of technology integration in early childhood education and so it makes sense that you ensure that the best pedagogical practices are implemented. In this article, you will learn more about digital play based pedagogy in early childhood education so that you can support technological learning and development in your early learning environment today.
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Dr Amanda Sullivan is a leading scholar and researcher in STEM in early childhood education. She has published a book on how you can break the stereotype of boys only using technology in early childhood education and reaching out to girls by embracing STEAM. Read the full transcript here.
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Last week I had the pleasure to listen to a webinar with my co-host Dr Faith Rogow who agreed to do a presenation in relation to inquiry based learning in early childhood education. She discussed some wonderful practical ideas and the video is worth watching. Read the transcript or watch the full video here.
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Digital play is more than just screen time—it’s a powerful tool that, when used effectively, fosters creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration in early childhood education. As digital technologies become increasingly embedded in young children’s lives, educators face the challenge of integrating them into play-based learning in a way that enhances, rather than replaces, hands-on experiences. In this blog, we explore: - What digital play looks like in the early years and why it matters - How to balance technology and play-based learning to maximize engagement - The role of educators in facilitating meaningful digital play experiences If you’re looking for proven strategies, expert guidance, and a supportive professional learning community, the ICT in Education Teacher Academy provides everything you need to confidently integrate digital play into your curriculum. 🔗 Read the full blog to learn how to use digital play effectively in early childhood education!
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Robotics in Early Childhood Education
Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing Michele Miller and Melissa Clark from RoboKids to explain how they can help promote robotics in education. RoboKids is an award-winning business and I am sure you will find what they can offer benefiical. Learn about how you can maximse robotics in early childhood education today.
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Dr Chip Donohue is the foremost expert on technology integration in early childhood education and recently I had the privilege and pleasure to present one of his presentations. In it, he discussed how the Covid pandemic changed and exposed new concerns about screentime in early childhood. He then provide practical and immediately actionable advice on what you can as an early childhood practitioner to take advantage of what is happening and enhance learning and embrace technology positively today. Read the whole transcript here today.
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Creative play in early childhood education is about discovering and making new connections. It literally fits right into the mold of learning through play and as you might already know, play is one of the key ways that young children learn and develop. In this article, I will show you how to enhance this through the use of digital technology in the learning environment today.
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In the early childhood learning environment, learning through play is one of the most important ways for young children to learn and develop. It’s an activity where young children can explore, imagine and make decisions, and this changes over the course of childhood from infancy to adolescence. In this article, you will learn the importance of learning through play when integrating digital technology in early childhood education today.
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ICT activities for preschoolers
Integrating technology in early childhood education doesn't have to be hard. It can start with just one computer or digital camera in order to be successful in your goals. Time is a constraint, however, that many teachers face and in this article I have given you a number of inspirational ideas to integrate ICT activities for preschoolers. Apply them today or adapt them to suit your needs.
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Robotics in Early Childhood Education
Not long ago, I had the privilege of interviewing and hearing a presentation from Dr Kate Highfield. She is a senior lecturer at the Australian Catholic University and she spoke on STEM in early childhood education and robotics. I found it very informative and I am sure that you will too.
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Next month (April) we will be continuing our free webinar for preschool teachers series with a well-renowned scholar of technology in early childhood education, Dr Chip Donohue. We are delighted to bring you such knowledge, experience and expertise and we hope that you can join us 13th April 9am AEST. Find the link to this free webinar in this article today.
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Technology integration is not straightforward! The learning intentions that are involved will shape how you support the development of ICT capability. In this article, you will learn how to set learning goals for students in early childhood education when planning to successfully integrate technology in early childhood education.
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Integrating ICT in preschool learning activities can be successfully achieved by using simple robotics. Join me on 15th March for a free webinar for teachers in early childhood education, as I interview Dr Kate Highfield on her research and learn from this renowned expert on how to successfully integrate robotics in early childhood education.
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Intentional teaching early childhood
Do you teach technology in preschool? This article will take you beyond just being able to teach basic computer skills for preschoolers with step-by-step instructions that will develop 21st century skills in meaningful contexts in the EYLF curriculum.
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There are many ways in which Information and Communication Technology in preschool activities can be integrated successfully. In this article, you will learn 5 ways to get you started on the right track to being more responsive towards a child's learning needs today.
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Integrating technology in the kindergarten classroom goes beyond just teaching basic computer skills for kindergarten children. In this article, you will learn what these are and how you can teach technology in kindergarten with ease today using these simple instructional strategies in your teaching and learning. We can help you maximise the use of technology in kindergarten!
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Computers in early childhood education play a crucial role in enhancing learning in preschool and kindergarten. In this article, you will learn practical and immediately actionable advice as to how you can support the use of computers in your early learning environment now.
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Mobile technologies are continuing to become a key part of young children’s lives. Today, it is used for communication, socialising, and entertainment but this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their capabilities. Learn today about the key benefits and strategies when using iPads in early childhood education.
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When planning to integrate ICT in Primary science, it is important that your lesson plan structure is appropriate so that all children benefit from the curriculum. In this article, we will show you how to structure your lesson effectively so that you will ensure that children will learn the outcomes you intend.
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ICT in Primary Maths
The integration of ICT must always take place in a meaningful learning context. Teachers who integrate ICT in Primary Maths achieve this and in this article, I will explain why this is important for all teachers to do this through the connection between ICT and mathematics learning today.
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When using ICT in Primary Science lessons, it is important to understand the basics as to what you need to know in order to not only enhance science learning but successfully integrate ICT and develop student ICT capability. In this article, read on as you understand what this is and how far it will boost primary science today.
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Understanding how to integrate technology in the science classroom is important as the role that technology plays in science education continues to grow in a world where technology in education is increasingly needed. Through our online professional development for science teachers, we provide practical and immediate advice on strategies that you can use such as the ones in this article.
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With the pandemic amongst us, it is important to learn how can we use ICT in education today to provide the learning that our students require in order to thrive and survive in an uncertain world that may occur in the future. Learn how the effective use of ICT in education can enable goals to be achieved now.
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Here is the best way that you can promote creativity in early childhood education with technology today. Follow this advice to get started in your early learning environment.
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Successful technology integration must begin with evidence based professional development for teachers using the classroom that lays the foundation in the early years and builds your capacity as a teacher to continue to support the use of technology throughout primary education and beyond. In our online PD courses for teachers, experience professional learning continually as we help you to ensure that technology integration is transparent in subject learning today.
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The Early Years Learning Framework emphasises building and maintaining strong relationships in early childhood education and care. Technology is an enabler in the development of relationships and in this first look in this toolkit for the online PD for early childhood educators, we will show you what you can do to support the roles of technology in early childhood education to promote child technology learning through relationships.
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Ways of integrating technology in the classroom
As a primary teacher, your ICT teaching and learning strategies should work towards the facilitation of ICT capability in subject learning. From planning to evidence based ICT teaching strategies, this article should help you to straighten up and fly right in terms of preparing your students for an integrated society as ICT literate citizens. Apply these ICT strategies in your classroom learning today.
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Formative assessment in Preschool
When it comes to technology integration planning, early childhood education parent involvement is essential in establishing a starting point for learning for every generation of digital natives that comes into your learning environment. Learn what you can do help parents and families understand what you do and why today. Embrace parent involvement in early childhood education today.
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Exposing your students to digital technology is not enough to develop their technological literacy in an ICT integrated society. High impact ICT teaching strategies proven to have an impact on student learning is crucial in ensuring that students continue to learn Information and Communication Technologies as a tool for learning. Employing ICT teaching strategies is your start make sound instructional decisions that will make a different now. Start now with this list today.
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Integrating technology in the kindergarten classroom is more than just teaching ICT skills and exposing young children to technology. In our online courses for kindergarten teachers, we will support you with evidence based teaching strategies for early childhood education and care that will enable you to facilitate the development of ICT capability in the Early Years curriculum so that your children can reap the benefits of technology in the kindergarten classroom today.
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Join over 40 early childhood teachers in this NESA and TQI registered online PD for early childhood educators as they learn how to build on children's technology experiences at home. We can help you employ technology teaching strategies in early childhood once you have established a started point for their learning journey without knowing everything about technology today. Let us show you how your peers have achieved technology literacy in early childhood education today. We can help.
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Introducing on my TPT best sellers at my TPT store. Record keeping for teachers is very important for all subjects as it allows you to track student progress and they are great for planning not to mention discussing things with parents and carers. Technology use in the classroom is also very important and this student progress tracker will save you time and money. Check it out. Teachers Pay Teachers Australian Curriculum.
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Melbourne teachers, get your online workshop discount and join our online PD for teachers Melbourne today. We can help you accrue valuable CPD hours this year online whilst overcoming restrictions. Gain further expertise in ICT teaching strategies that will support your reporting on the capability of ICT in your classroom. Our low cost online workshops are fully registered by NESA and TQI guaranteeing you Melbourne teacher quality research based content. We understand your difficulties as we are teachers too. Join your colleagues today.
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Technology pedagogical practices in childcare and education have a tremendous influence on the beliefs and values of young children on technology use. With these 12 questions, you can resolve the 'why' in relation to individual differences in beliefs at your centre or school today. Learn to overcome the barriers to working together in synergy with us now. We can help you.
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In a time where we have rediscovered the need for digital capabilities, you will learn in this online workshop for primary school teachers all you need to know about teaching and learning with ICT in the primary school today. Using our easy to follow lessons and videos, watch your students transform into their capabilities in ICT as you apply our researched based theories into your classroom practice. We can help you.
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Integrating technology into the classroom can be an issue for primary school teachers. Another subject to teach! However, by using these ICT teaching methods for primary school technology integrators, planning will be much easier and student attainment levels a lot better as these teaching methods for primary school teachers come from teacher-tested classrooms.
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As a primary teacher, there are four levels of progression in student ICT capability that you must support in teaching. For this reason, scaffolding in primary education when it comes to ICT integration must be adequate and effective. In this article, you can use these easy steps to support your teaching to ensure effective scaffolding in primary education today.
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When teaching and learning with ICT in the primary school, you would want to embed the best strategies for teaching with technology. The ICT teaching and learning strategies that you will learn in this accredited online workshop for primary school teachers will build your capacity as a teacher and develop student 21st century skills.
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When scaffolding in early childhood education during times of technology integration that might be in role plays or not, the level of adjustment you provide to support each child is vital if they are to develop their ICT capability. Here are ways you can scaffold children's learning in your preschool, childcare, or kindergarten classroom today.
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Scaffolding in the classroom ensures that you facilitate the development of 21st century skills such as ICT capability when you integrate technology in the classroom. Scaffolding learning, however, is different when it comes to using ICT so how can you make improvements in your teacher interventions? Read more about top strategies for teaching with technology and boost children's attainment levels in ICT.
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The development of fine motor skills for preschoolers is very important as it lays the foundation for life skills. Technology when used as a tool can further develop fine motor skills after you have make the right instructional decisions and applied the right teaching strategies in preschool. Here are 10 ways for you to try today.
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Formative assessment in primary school is important today as it helps teachers personal learning experiences in ICT. By examining the processes that a child went through to complete a finished product or work sample, you will be able to determine their capabilities in ICT and plot a path for learning progression today.
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To build on a child's home experiences of technology in early childhood education. Then through technology observation in early childhood, you monitor and assess their ICT capabilities in order to plan for learning progression. Understand what to observe in preschool and kindergarten use of tech in early childhood today.
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tech activities outdoor for kids
Outdoor Classroom Day is coming soon! With technology being as much a part of a child's world as literacy and numeracy, here are some helpful tips to help you stress less and be able to optimise the use of tech in outdoors today.
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Vision statements for schools should contain information about how ICT will be used and ICT capability developed. The trick is effectively sharing the vision with staff. Find out how here.
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Science in early childhood education lays the foundation for curiosity, exploration, and critical thinking. But how do you effectively integrate technology in early childhood education to enhance hands-on learning without replacing it? The key is knowing how to create engaging, inquiry-based experiences that connect science and technology in early childhood education in meaningful ways. At the ICT in Education Teacher Academy, our Science and Technology in ECE Workshop helps educators seamlessly embed STEM learning, ICT tools, and hands-on science activities into their teaching. With structured lesson plans, a professional development workbook, and expert guidance, members gain confidence in using technology to support early science exploration. 🚀 Ready to elevate science and technology in your early childhood classroom? Join the ICT in Education Teacher Academy and transform the way you teach today!
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Integrating technology in the Preschool Classroom
Planning in early childhood education is essential for many reasons all of which to do with ensuring that children learn from an integrated curriculum. When using technology, it gets bit more complex and there various things which you need to consider. Want to know what they are?
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Intentional teaching early childhood
Intentional teaching strategies in early childhood can contribute a lot to children's learning. With the use of technology, things may vary and get a bit more complex, however, with these outlined for you using technology in early childhood education is a breeze.
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ICT tools in early childhood education
Today, new literacies brings the learning of new technologies which are essential for students to master if they are to be literate for the 21st century. New technologies can be used to do traditional things in a different, more motivating way.
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Learn how to enhance literacy with ICT in our NEW online professional development for teachers. This online course will boost your competence and confidence in Literacy-ICT integration - a key factor in the effectiveness of ICT in Literacy lessons today.
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With over 1,000 LinkedIn views, we thought this article is worth the mention again. Enjoy! What are the key issues when it comes to using ICT in Early Childhood Education? A report conducted by the New Zealand government (Bolstad, 2004) reveals a number of issues that practitioners need to aware of when choosing to use ICT in the learning setting.
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Understanding how to select and use assessment strategies in the primary grades is an important aspect of Pedagogical Content Knowledge for English teachers. It will be important that you modify your assessments to account for students’ vast differences in individual development, even within a grade.
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With students being tech-savvy, it is quite easy for them to become distracted with the ICT they are using whilst learning literacy. Learn classroom management strategies to help you capitalise on student use of ICT in lessons.
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It's not the technology that will help support the context of subjects in your classroom, but the strategies that you use to support and enhance the use of technology in the classroom. Here are 10 tips to get you started.
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Reflection plays a big part in the development of student ICT capability. So to must teachers reflect on their teaching and learning with ICT to improve their own capabilities in ICT. Find out what questions you should ask yourself today.
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The ICT policy in schools forms the backbone of a schools ICT culture. They highlight for teachers how to use ICT in the classroom and most importantly, how to develop ICT capability. Use these steps to structure yours appropriately.
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Content-free software allows students to develop their ICT capability. By understanding their educational purposes you will be able to decide which is right for the ICT solutions your students are going to generate.
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There are many factors that influence the development of ICT capability. In addition to the school’s ICT policy, a school’s culture must be one that has a strong belief that using ICT can promote teaching and learning. The strength of an ICT culture within a school is a very powerful force in determining the direction of a school.
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Learn by example how to teach ICT capability in the classroom by demonstrating coding skills using bee bots proficiently today.
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The Heads of Departments and other senior management like Deputy Principals play an important role in building a professional culture which is responsive to change. They set values for all and have attributes such as commitment and hard work that set great examples for other staff in the school community. Find out how to inspire change towards ICT at your school.
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In the 21st century, being included as part of society is vital if you are survive and thrive. Teachers being the catalysts of change have to ensure that they provide an inclusive classroom for all students through the effective use of ICT. Differentiation is therefore, a practice that teachers need to consider in their planning if they are to prepare students for life in an ICT-integrated society.
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Learning about new software is at the heart of developing every students’ capabilities whether it will be in the new Digital Technologies curriculum or across the curriculum in various Learning Areas (General Capability – ICT Capability). No matter if it is animation, generic, graphic or even subject-specific software the best practices need to be implemented in order for students to be able to make effective decisions about what software to use so to create a solution to a problem situation.
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Teaching Strategies
Struggling to integrate technology into your classroom? You’re not alone. Many educators face challenges with technology in education, from lack of training to concerns about student engagement. But embracing classroom technology doesn’t have to be overwhelming—the right ICT teaching strategies can make all the difference. This blog explores evidence-based ICT strategies to help you effectively integrate technology into your teaching. Learn how to use ICT in the classroom, implement instructional strategies using technology, and create engaging, student-centered learning experiences. The ICT in Education Teacher Academy supports teachers like you with: - Structured professional development on ICT-based pedagogy - Step-by-step technology integration strategies - Customizable lesson plans and classroom resources - A digital learning community to help you apply ICT teaching methods
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Intentional teaching early childhood
The role of ICT in education is more critical than ever. From early childhood to primary education, technology empowers students to collaborate, think critically, and engage in meaningful learning experiences. However, simply having technology in the classroom is not enough—teachers need the skills and confidence to integrate it effectively. This is where the ICT in Education Teacher Academy makes a difference. With expert-led professional development, hands-on lesson plans, and a supportive educator network, the Academy equips teachers with the tools to successfully implement ICT in early childhood and primary education. Through structured training and the membership workbook, educators can track their progress and transform their teaching approach, ensuring that students develop the digital skills they need for the future. Join the ICT in Education Teacher Academy today and take the next step toward confident, technology-integrated teaching
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It is time for educators to step up their game and develop ICT literate students. With the decline in the ICT literacy skills of Australian students, educators need to be aware of the ICT literacy skills the businesses of today and tomorrow seek.
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Distractions in lessons as a result of using ICT is of major concern to many teachers. Learn the steps you can take to keep your students on track and focussed on their work.
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An ICT capable teacher needs to comprehend the significance of how students learn with ICT if they are to teach ICT capability effectively. Accounting for the various ways students learn with ICT is vital and initiates a proactive start for teachers. Get more insight into this course preview here.
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How ICT supports children's learning
Creating an effective early childhood learning environment is essential for fostering creativity, collaboration, and digital literacy in young learners. As technology becomes more integrated into early years education, the challenge for educators is finding meaningful ways to incorporate ICT into play-based learning. The ICT in Education Teacher Academy provides structured professional development, lesson plans, and a clear success path to help educators confidently create a technology-rich early childhood learning environment. Through expert-led workshops and hands-on activities, members gain the skills to enhance children's engagement, problem-solving abilities, and digital literacy from an early age.
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