Announcing the Accreditation of our Online Course with TQI

We are excited to announce that our most popular online course for Primary teachers - ICT Teaching Strategies for Primary School Teachers - is now accredited with the Teacher Quality Institute for the ACT Government in Australia! It is now part of our range of TQI accredited online courses for Primary teachers.

TQI accredited online courses


This means that this course is accredited by two nationally recognised organisations!

TQI accredited online courses

What does accreditation mean?

Basically, what that means is that there is quality assured as both organisations run the course application through a process by which it will check if it is aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Course Objective

You will learn how to successfully optimise the available technology in your classroom by implementing teaching strategies that will develop student ICT capability whilst supporting the subject context. Additionally, you will gain the expertise you need in order to make instructional decisions, structuring ICT activities, and meeting the requirements of the Australian Curriculum.

By enrolling in this course, you will be able to:

  • Understanding how students learn with ICT;
  • Optimising opportunities for the development of ICT capability;
  • Boost your own capabilities in ICT integration;
  • Develop an ICT capable classroom using proficient classroom practices;
  • Perceive the importance of a whole-school approach in ICT capability development;
  • Manage student transitions effectively;
  • Facilitate student capabilities;
  • Select the appropriate tools for learning;
  • Progress student capabilities with less stress and;
  • Create an inclusive classroom learning environment.



This online course cost $200

View our range of TQI accredited courses online today.



NESA and TQI Registered Online Professional Development for Australian Teachers using Technology in the Classroom

You are welcome to view our ICT workshops for teachers developed to deliver practical and immediately actionable advice on teaching strategies with technology in Early Childhood and Primary Education.

Through our teacher professional development courses online you will gain further expertise in building a child’s home experiences of technology and developing their ICT capability.


TQI accredited courses include:

Online Professional Development for Primary Teachers -

ICT Teaching Strategies for Primary School teachers - Learn more now

Completing this online PD for teachers will contribute to 4 hours of NESA and TQI PD addressing 2.6.2 and 3.4.2 of Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient teacher accreditation.

This course has been beneficial. I have learned more about how to integrate ICT in the classroom and how to support the students who struggle in this area. The readings have been particularly useful and it has been great to see other professionals and their use of ICT in the classroom.”

- Kerrie 

"I have thoroughly enjoyed this course. I have learned the importance of ICT in all schools. This course has enhanced my ideas of classroom practice by giving me confidence in knowing that I was on the right track."

- Louise 


Formative Assessment Professional Development - LEARN MORE NOW

Completing this online PD for teachers will contribute to 5 hours of NESA and TQI PD addressing 2.6.2 and 5.1.2 of Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient teacher accreditation.

"I consider myself to be highly confident in ICT, however, through this comprehensive course I learned things which I never knew about."

- Amanda


Teach Literacy with ICT effectively - LEARN MORE NOW

Completing this online PD for teachers will contribute to 5 hours of NESA and TQI PD addressing 2.6.2, 3.42, and 3.5.2 (TQI) towards maintaining Proficient teacher accreditation.



TQI Accredited  Courses                     Online NESA teacher accreditaion

Online PD for Early Childhood Educators 

Harness the Potential of Technology in Early Childhood Education – PD for Early Childhood Educators


Completing this online PD for teachers will contribute to 5 hours of NESA and TQI PD addressing 2.6.2 and 4.5.2 and 5.1.2 of Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient teacher accreditation.

"I really enjoyed this course! It was very informative and well researched.  It gave detailed descriptions regarding all areas outlined in the objectives.  The videos made the learning seem more interactive! The tasks were very beneficial and applicable to my future teaching practices!"

- Dominique


The following online PD courses for teachers are for Highly Accomplished accreditation:

ICT Leadership course for Teachers in Primary Ed - LEARN MORE NOW

Completing this online PD for teachers will contribute to 5 hours of NESA and TQI PD addressing 2.6.3 and 3.4.3 of Australian Professional Standards for Teacher towards maintaining Highly Accomplished teacher accreditation.


Staff Development Day organisation (Train the trainer - Inservice Prep)

Completing this online PD for teachers will contribute to 1 hour of NESA PD addressing 2.6.3 of Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Highly Accomplished teacher accreditation. JOIN NOW


Mini Online PDs for teachers (teacher identified):

Technology Observation in Early Childhood Education and Care - JOIN NOW

Completing this online PD for teachers will contribute to 2 hours of teacher identified PD addressing 5.1.2 of Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient teacher accreditation.


Keep track of student progress with effective records - JOIN NOW

Completing this online PD for teachers will contribute to 2 hours of teacher identified PD addressing 5.1.2 of Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient teacher accreditation.




What are the benefits of professional development courses online?


Self-Paced Learning

You will be able to maximise individual learning curves and styles in the classroom through our pd courses for teachers. This allows you to meet your teaching targets in the learning areas you teach.


Application of Theory

All theory in teacher PD courses is evidence and researched based. Our online learning programs will allow you to tap into the realm of online learning continuously and communicate and share your ideas with colleagues. With as little effort as possible you will be able to bring research-based educational theories into your classroom.



Throw away the costs of venues and travel and even accommodation for some teachers, our teacher pd online is cost-effective and will not break your budget. Only pay for the course itself.



Our teacher professional development courses are available 24/7. This allows you to learn at your own schedule.


Saves Time

As a teacher, you probably already know how precious a commodity time is to you. Save time by joining our online PD courses for teachers today.



Boost your career by joining our classes in our online courses for teacher professional development - See our TQI accredited courses today

Early Childhood teacher professional Development – Primary Teacher Professional Development


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