The best strategies to promote HOTS with Tech in the classroom today

Higher Order Thinking Skills

By Michael Hilkemeijer


When Michelle, an experienced early childhood educator, introduced a simple drawing app to her kindergarten class, she never expected what came next. One child, Lucy, began using the app to recreate the lifecycle of a butterfly, narrating each stage as she drew. Another child started comparing caterpillars and worms by searching for differences online and capturing images. What began as a simple ICT exploration turned into a full-blown inquiry project where children connected concepts, asked questions, evaluated their work, and reflected on their learning.


Michelle had unlocked something powerful: higher-order thinking skills (HOTS)—and she was eager to understand how to develop and support this consistently. That's when her journey led her to the ICT in Education Teacher Academy.



higher order thinking skills

What Exactly Are Higher-Order Thinking Skills—and How Do They Look in Early Childhood?

Many educators wonder: "Are higher-order thinking skills really relevant in the early years?" The answer is yes—and they’re essential.


Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, involve the ability to apply, analyse, evaluate, and create. They go beyond simple recall or recognition of information. In early childhood, HOTS can look like:

  • Comparing two drawings and describing similarities and differences

  • Justifying a choice of digital tool to complete a task

  • Creating a multimedia story using various apps

  • Reflecting on a completed project and suggesting improvements


These examples demonstrate that young children are capable of sophisticated thinking when supported with the right strategies and environments.



Why Should I Care About Higher-Order Thinking in the Classroom?

If you’ve ever asked yourself "Why is this important?", you’re not alone. HOTS are fundamental for preparing children to thrive in a complex, digital world—and yet they are often overlooked in favour of traditional learning outcomes.


Higher-order thinking is not just about enhancing student outcomes—it’s about shaping capable, independent, and reflective learners who can use technology meaningfully. Without a structured approach to promoting HOTS, opportunities for children to engage in critical thinking, creative problem-solving, and conceptual understanding may be missed.


Here are a few reasons to prioritise higher-order thinking:

  • Deepens engagement: Children become more invested when they explore, question, and solve.

  • Fosters independence: HOTS empower learners to make decisions and take ownership.

  • Supports lifelong skills: Reflection, evaluation, and problem-solving are key 21st-century competencies.

  • Builds confidence: Children become more expressive and articulate about their learning process.


According to RIC Publications, encouraging HOTS helps children think critically and creatively, building a deeper understanding of subject matter. But the challenge for many educators is how to promote HOTS in ways that are both effective and manageable within their existing environment.


This is where the ICT in Education Teacher Academy offers a game-changing solution. The membership is built around helping educators not only understand the importance of higher-order thinking, but also learn how to implement it through digital pedagogies that work with the technology they already have.


Michelle discovered that rather than needing the latest apps or expensive tools, she could foster deep thinking using simple, accessible ICT—if she had the right strategies. The lesson plans, workshops, and planning templates inside the membership made HOTS a visible, achievable, and assessable part of her everyday teaching.


The membership helped Michelle shift from feeling unsure about the role of higher-order thinking to becoming a confident educator who designs purposeful digital experiences that extend children’s thinking.


If you care about equipping your students for the digital age—and want to do it in a way that is evidence-based, practical, and aligned to curriculum standards—the ICT in Education Teacher Academy gives you the tools and guidance to make it happen.



How Can I Start Supporting Higher-Order Thinking with Technology?

Michelle’s turning point came when she joined the ICT in Education Teacher Academy and accessed the foundational resource "Using ICT to Promote Higher Order Thinking Skills." Up until that point, she had unknowingly included fragments of HOTS in her practice, but she lacked a comprehensive strategy. The membership gave her a clear, structured pathway to start embedding HOTS across her digital learning environment intentionally.


What made the biggest difference for Michelle was how everything in the membership was connected to real, practical teaching—not just theory. She didn’t have to interpret abstract frameworks or translate research into classroom action. It was all done for her.


Through the membership workbook, she was introduced to planning templates that:

  • Aligned directly with Bloom’s Taxonomy

  • Prompted her to define the specific higher-order thinking skill she wanted to target

  • Linked each activity with the appropriate digital tools

  • Included space for reflection and child observation


As she worked through the workbook, Michelle realised she could transform even simple activities—like using a drawing app—into opportunities for critical thinking. The guidance helped her reframe questions, structure reflection time, and gradually give children more control over their choices.


Michelle then explored the lesson plan library, which provided ready-to-use activities clearly mapped to HOTS categories such as evaluating, analysing, reasoning, and creating. These weren’t generic templates—they were:

  • Customised for early childhood and primary settings

  • Written with the EYLF and TPACK frameworks in mind

  • Paired with a Higher Order Thinking Skills Table to help Michelle understand exactly which thinking processes were being developed in each activity


Most importantly, the membership helped Michelle maximise the technology she already had available. She didn’t need expensive or new devices—just the understanding of how to use her existing ICT resources in a more meaningful, strategic way. The focus of the Academy is on evidence-based digital pedagogies that empower educators to get more from what they already use.


When Michelle wasn’t sure how to adapt an activity for her mixed-ability group, she turned to the Wisdom Tool, a chat feature inside the membership that gave her instant, expert guidance tailored to her classroom context.


This interconnected ecosystem of support—resources, plans, tools, and community—gave Michelle everything she needed to:

  • Feel confident in her planning

  • Promote deeper thinking in her students

  • Align her ICT practices with curriculum outcomes

  • Grow as a reflective, digitally capable educator

  • Make the most of the digital tools and technology already in her classroom


If you’ve been wondering how to take the next step in using ICT to genuinely support higher-order thinking, the ICT in Education Teacher Academy gives you everything you need to do just that. It’s not just about technology—it’s about teaching better with it—and making every digital interaction a rich learning opportunity.



What Activities Can I Use Right Now to Develop Higher-Order Thinking?

One of the most frequent questions educators ask is: *"What are some practical ICT activities that encourage higher-order thinking?"


Here are examples that Michelle found inside the Academy’s lesson plan bank, each featuring a Higher Order Thinking Skills Table to guide implementation:

  • Digital Drawing with Voice Narration – Children draw a scene and explain their choices. (HOTS: Evaluating, Creating)

  • Photo Comparison Projects – Use tablets to take nature photos and guide children in comparing and categorising them. (HOTS: Analysing)

  • Bee Bot Maze Design – Children design and program a maze, revising strategies as needed. (HOTS: Problem Solving)

  • Augmented Reality Storytelling – Children draw and place their images into an AR environment and narrate a story. (HOTS: Connecting Concepts, Evaluating)


Each lesson provided Michelle with:

  • A detailed plan

  • Clear ICT resources needed

  • A breakdown of which HOTS are targeted

  • Adaptation ideas for different learning contexts

HOTS in lesson plan

How Do I Help Young Children Think More Deeply with Technology?

Educators often ask: *"How can I encourage deeper thinking with my preschoolers when using ICT?"


For Michelle, this question marked a pivotal moment in her professional growth. While she had always embraced child-led exploration, she realised that deeper thinking didn’t happen by chance—it needed to be nurtured intentionally, especially when using digital technologies.


Her answer came from inside the ICT in Education Teacher Academy, where she began engaging with the membership workbook more deeply. There, she uncovered a powerful structure for promoting sustained and reflective thinking in her classroom. The workbook encouraged her to embed HOTS into her pedagogy by:

  • Planning activities that required children to make decisions about technology use

  • Scaffolding thinking through open-ended questions and reflective dialogue

  • Creating moments of shared exploration using digital tools



She began implementing small but significant changes:

  • Modelling her thought process aloud while using a drawing app, prompting children to think, “What colour would be best for this background—and why?”

  • Using intentional questioning strategies sourced from the workbook, such as, “What might happen if we changed tools?” or “What could we try next?”

  • Giving children more autonomy and ownership in technology use, encouraging them to make creative decisions and evaluate their outcomes

  • Building in regular reflection time where students reviewed their digital creations, discussed challenges, and suggested improvements



These shifts weren’t random. Michelle followed guidance from specific workbook pages, including the section on “Developing Independent Learning with ICT” and the TPACK-aligned planning templates that prompted her to target Bloom’s higher-order thinking skills in every activity.


Moreover, Michelle found support in the Academy’s lesson plans, each of which included clear HOTS objectives and sample prompts to extend children's thinking. For instance:

  • A stop-motion storytelling activity helped children visualise cause and effect and explain narrative structure (analysing and creating)

  • A nature photography task allowed them to choose their digital tools, compare image results, and reflect on choices (evaluating and reasoning)



When she felt unsure about how to extend a particular child’s learning, she turned to the Wisdom Tool—asking how to support metacognition during a group tablet activity. The advice she received helped her craft a follow-up task where children verbally narrated their thought process while rewatching their recorded work.


Michelle also engaged with peers inside the membership community, where they shared real classroom examples of prompting deeper thinking with limited tech resources. These shared insights and the collaborative environment gave her the confidence to explore new strategies and adapt them to her setting.


Ultimately, helping children think more deeply with technology wasn’t about introducing new apps or devices. For Michelle, it was about:

  • Being intentional in her planning

  • Embedding reflection into daily routines

  • Leveraging the structured supports in the membership to scaffold children’s thinking


By following the membership path, Michelle transformed from a confident user of technology to a thoughtful facilitator of children’s higher-order thinking. Her classroom became a place of inquiry, reflection, and digital exploration—all supported by the tools and community inside the ICT in Education Teacher Academy.



higher order thinking skills in the classroom

How Can I Assess Whether My Students Are Actually Using Higher-Order Thinking?

Assessment is often a sticking point. Michelle wondered: "How do I know if my students are really thinking critically?"


Inside the ICT in Education Teacher Academy, she discovered a clear and research-informed framework for assessing HOTS. Drawing on Brookhart (2010) and supported by membership resources, she learned that assessing higher-order thinking involves more than just checking whether a child completed a task. It requires thoughtful planning, purposeful task design, and targeted observation.


Michelle began applying the three fundamental principles of assessment:

  • Specify clearly and exactly what you want to assess – Each Academy lesson plan provided her with HOTS-aligned learning intentions and prompts so she could focus on analysing, evaluating, or problem-solving.

  • Design tasks that require demonstration of HOTS – Rather than having children simply use a tool, Michelle used scenarios, visuals, and inquiry-based tasks found in the membership to challenge children to apply their thinking.

  • Decide what counts as evidence – The membership workbook helped her decide what observable behaviours, reflections, or digital outputs could be used as proof of a child’s HOTS development.



In addition, the membership guided her to use more advanced principles of HOTS assessment:

  • Presenting new, unfamiliar material that prompts children to transfer their knowledge.

  • Using scenarios or open-ended problems rather than fact-based prompts.

  • Distinguishing between difficulty and cognitive demand—an easy task can still require higher-order thinking depending on the questions asked.

Membership-Based Strategies for Each HOTS Component

Michelle was also introduced to detailed guidance inside the “Using ICT to Promote Higher Order Thinking Skills” resource, which breaks down assessment by specific components of HOTS:

  • Assessing Analysis: Michelle used compare-and-contrast activities from the lesson plans (e.g., “How is this app like another we used?”) to prompt analytical thinking. The workbook encouraged her to use reflective questioning: “What was the main problem in your digital project?”

  • Assessing Evaluation: She included opportunities for children to critique the tools they used. For example, after completing a Bee Bot maze, students discussed which commands worked best and why. She used a simple set of evaluative criteria sourced from the Academy to scaffold this process.

  • Assessing Reasoning and Logic: The Academy community shared examples of sustained shared thinking prompts such as “Why did you choose this tool?” or “What other way could you have done this?” Michelle began modelling her own thought processes to help children reason aloud.

  • Assessing Judgement: In digital storytelling activities, students had to choose the most appropriate app and justify their selection. Michelle recorded their responses as evidence of critical judgement—an example inspired by a lesson plan in the member library.

  • Assessing Problem Solving: She used step-by-step checklists from the membership workbook to observe children as they:

    • Identified problems (e.g., “The Bee Bot didn’t go where I wanted!”)

    • Tried new strategies

    • Evaluated what worked and adjusted



Each membership lesson plan includes a table that outlines these components, suggested reflection questions, and examples of digital evidence. Michelle no longer had to guess what to look for—she had a framework at her fingertips.

The result? Michelle felt empowered to assess higher-order thinking not just through observation, but through conversation, reflection, and documented student choices.





What ICT Tools Are Best for Promoting HOTS?

Another common question is: *"What tech actually works for higher-order thinking?"


Michelle discovered that content-free, open-ended tools were the most powerful—and this is a key focus within the ICT in Education Teacher Academy. These tools allow children to take control of their learning, explore at their own pace, and develop critical decision-making and evaluative skills along the way. Examples include:

  • Drawing and painting programs

  • Word processors and desktop publishing software

  • Concept mapping and mind-mapping tools

  • Spreadsheets and databases

  • Coding tools (e.g., Bee Bots, ScratchJr)

  • Presentation and multimedia apps



Each of these ICT tools supports specific higher-order thinking outcomes depending on how they are integrated into the learning activity. For example:

  • A concept map tool might help children connect and categorise information (analysing).

  • A digital painting app can support creative thinking and evaluation of design choices.

  • A spreadsheet used in a nature observation activity can help students compare, contrast, and reason through their findings.



What helped Michelle most was that every lesson plan in the Academy clearly linked the ICT tools used to the HOTS being developed. Each plan includes a Higher Order Thinking Skills Table that shows exactly which thinking processes (e.g., evaluating, analysing, creating) are embedded in the activity.



This allowed Michelle to:

  • Confidently select the right ICT tools for the thinking skills she wanted to develop

  • Avoid generic activities and instead choose purpose-driven, outcomes-based lessons

  • Build a repertoire of digital tools matched to higher-order learning goals

  • Reflect on how her choice of ICT influenced children’s ability to plan, evaluate, and reflect



In addition, the membership's "Using ICT to Promote Higher Order Thinking Skills" resource goes deeper into explaining the kinds of tools that empower thinking. It walks educators through how to evaluate software based on:

  • The level of control it offers children

  • The thinking processes it promotes

  • How easily it supports independent exploration and decision-making



This resource gave Michelle the confidence to move beyond default software and instead choose ICT intentionally based on learning goals. The result? Her students not only used technology—they used it to think more deeply, reflect more clearly, and express themselves with greater confidence.



higher order questions in the classroom

How Has Michelle Changed as an Educator—And How Can You Follow the Same Path?

Since joining the Academy, Michelle’s mindset, confidence, and classroom practice have evolved significantly. At first, she was unsure how to consistently support higher-order thinking in her students. While her learners were already demonstrating early signs of analysis and creativity, she didn’t have a clear strategy for nurturing these skills or measuring their development.


Through the Academy, Michelle:

  • Shifted from spontaneous to intentional planning: By using the membership workbook, she began planning with specific HOTS in mind. Each lesson she designed was rooted in a clear thinking skill—whether it was analysis, evaluation, or problem-solving—and aligned to the EYLF outcomes.

  • Built a reflective teaching habit: The workbook's journaling prompts and reflection templates helped her think critically about her own role in promoting HOTS. She began asking herself, "Did this lesson support deeper thinking? Did children make meaningful connections?"

  • Made data-informed decisions about her teaching: With the TPACK radar chart, Michelle could visualise her growth across seven domains of teacher knowledge. This wasn’t just helpful for her—it was something she shared with her director to demonstrate professional growth and learning outcomes.

  • Gained fast, expert support: Anytime Michelle was uncertain about an activity’s value in developing HOTS, she turned to the Wisdom Tool. The responses she received gave her practical strategies she could implement immediately—saving time and reducing overwhelm.

  • Collaborated with like-minded educators: Through the member community, she participated in reflective discussions, shared her wins and challenges, and even received feedback on her lesson ideas. This gave her a sense of belonging and helped her see herself as part of a professional learning network.

  • Applied done-for-you lesson plans with clarity: With each lesson plan featuring a HOTS table, Michelle knew exactly which thinking skills were being targeted. She no longer had to wonder, "Is this activity meaningful?" She could see how it fit into a bigger pedagogical picture.


The transformation was evident not just in Michelle’s confidence, but in the depth of her students’ engagement. Children began articulating their reasoning more clearly, asking more questions, and showing pride in their problem-solving. Michelle wasn’t just using technology—she was using it to cultivate deep, reflective, and independent learners.







higher order thinking activities for kindergarten

Where Can You Get the Resources and Confidence to Promote HOTS with Technology?

You’ll find everything you need to develop higher-order thinking skills with ICT inside the ICT in Education Teacher Academy. This is not just a collection of online workshops—it’s a comprehensive professional learning pathway designed for early childhood and primary educators who want to transform their teaching practice.


Here’s what makes the membership stand out:

  • The HOTS Resource Guide: The “Using ICT to Promote Higher Order Thinking Skills” resource is your deep-dive into the theory and classroom application of HOTS. It breaks down the thinking processes, gives examples, and explains how to apply them through technology.

  • The Structured Membership Workbook: At the heart of the membership is a downloadable workbook that guides you step-by-step through integrating HOTS with ICT. It includes:

    • Planning templates linked to Bloom’s Taxonomy

    • A Higher Order Thinking Skills checklist

    • Guidance for aligning HOTS with EYLF outcomes

    • Reflective journaling prompts

    • A TPACK radar chart to track your own growth in ICT-integrated teaching

  • Ready-Made Lesson Plans: You’ll gain access to a library of done-for-you lesson plans. Each plan:

    • Clearly outlines the ICT tools used

    • Highlights the specific HOTS developed in the activity

    • Includes adaptation ideas and extension activities

    • Provides observation and assessment prompts

  • The Wisdom Tool: Got a question? Ask it directly in the Wisdom Tool and get fast, thoughtful responses from a digital pedagogy expert—saving you time and deepening your understanding.

  • Professional Learning Workshops: Access exclusive workshops such as “Harnessing Technology in Early Childhood Education” and “Technology and Creativity in the Early Years,” all of which embed HOTS strategies throughout.

  • Supportive Community: Share ideas, seek feedback, and learn from fellow educators in our thriving online member community. It’s a space to collaborate, troubleshoot, and celebrate your success.


With these tools at your fingertips, you’ll gain the confidence and clarity to support deep thinking in your classroom using technology—just like Michelle.


Activities for higher order thinking skills

Ready to Start Promoting HOTS in Your Classroom?

Michelle’s story is a testament to what’s possible when thoughtful planning, meaningful technology use, and professional support come together. From tentative beginnings to confidently leading children through inquiry-based learning with ICT, she didn’t just improve her teaching—she transformed it.


Throughout this article, we explored:

  • What higher-order thinking skills are and how they look in early learning

  • Why HOTS matter so much in today’s digital world

  • Practical activities and tools that encourage critical, reflective, and creative thinking

  • Strategies for assessing HOTS with confidence

  • How Michelle used the membership’s workbook, lesson plans, and community to guide her every step


Each step of Michelle’s journey was grounded in the support she received from the ICT in Education Teacher Academy. It wasn’t about adding more to her plate—it was about doing what she already loved, with more purpose, clarity, and impact.


The membership is designed to help you:

  • Maximise the technology already in your classroom

  • Apply evidence-based digital pedagogy linked to curriculum outcomes

  • Build your confidence in scaffolding and assessing HOTS

  • Join a professional community that encourages growth and shared learning


So now the question becomes:

Are you ready to become the educator who doesn’t just use technology—but uses it to transform thinking, deepen learning, and foster independence in every child?

The tools, strategies, and support you need are waiting for you inside the ICT in Education Teacher Academy.

Here is an example of higher order thinking activities:

higher order thinking activities

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