How to Develop an Inclusive Practice

How to Develop an Inclusive Practice

By Michael Hilkemeijer


ICT can aid in moving from integration to inclusion. However, you need to ensure that you and your staff are developing inclusive practices at your early childhood centre.


7 inclusive practices in early childhood education

1. Consider the impact of a range of factors on learning and development.

For example, you can observe carefully how gender can impact learning especially when it comes to ICT use. You can use this information to aid the evaluation of provisions and areas can be changed to appeal to both girls and boys.


ICT in Early Childhood Education

2. Be aware of the relationship between social deprivation and underachievement.


Learn about Key issues in Inclusion with ICT in Early Childhood Education 


3. Develop a positive relationship with parents and carers to establish the needs of the needs of the child.

The family is such a rich source of information. The information you gather from them will help you to provide appropriate provision for the child from the beginning. 



4. Reflect on your own value system as inclusion and values go very much hand in hand.

Reflect on your own values as it will affect the commitment you put into developing inclusive practices. Be highly reflective and be willing to make adaptions to your practices.

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5. Embrace the social model of disability.

This model distinguishes between disability and impairment with the key assumption that within-child factors only become disabling in certain situations. Disability is only there if society does make adjustments to provision.

6. Be flexible.

This is the key to achieving an inclusive ethos and this includes policies, practices and routines that need to be changed if they do not meet the needs of specific learners.


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7. Plan for careful observational assessment.

Even the SEN children can have the same effective approach as for other children. This is crucial! Be prepared to try new strategies and to evaluate them. This will enable you to evaluate how well children have responded to specific interventions and you may find that a cycle of plan, do and review is useful. Remember that no one will expect you to plan interventions alone but you are expected to be able to work in partnership with other staff in the setting, with parents and carers.  Listen carefully to the recommended strategies suggested by staff representing different agencies.


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